El Libro Interminable
Gallarda osadía aquella de procurar la sinrazón en las mentes de mi gente. Vamos ahora, mi gente, y péguense dos balazos en el mismo hoyito. En la sien. Bien mandados en el celeuro. Aquellas palabras recónditas fulguraban nuevamente ante mis ojos llorosos. Angustiado de por vida, arremeto garabatos inteligibles en hojas eternitáreas, que se extienden por medio de los escapes de la realidad. Entonces, el atroz ritual comienza, en el cual maldigo a los seres con mis estatutos impíos. Ellos supieron de esto, de la Traición, por lo que me desterraron en mi cerebro, dejándome en pasajes escabrosos donde se gestaba la más horrenda de las herejías. Era mi testimonio. El testimonio del desterrado, el que sentenciaría sus cabezas a una muerte miserable, rodeada de oscuras sombras de espíritus moribundos.
Yo no quería, pero la muerte sobrevino en su momento, y se llevó todo lo que parecía vida del mundo, persecula seculorum.
Then, the language became one and only. No more dissidence. My left lobule was completely erradicated. I felt like a piece of shit after they took my Spanish away. How then, I said, would I meant without a language that is so miserable by its very nature. But I was not any more miserable that those who lost both lobules, and now roam like zombies over the shapes of the earth. Their oaths are furious and they walk around aimlessly. Started to move across the unexact universe that surrounds me like I was a baby, crawling through the carpet to the balcony.
Yo no quería, pero la muerte sobrevino en su momento, y se llevó todo lo que parecía vida del mundo, persecula seculorum.
Then, the language became one and only. No more dissidence. My left lobule was completely erradicated. I felt like a piece of shit after they took my Spanish away. How then, I said, would I meant without a language that is so miserable by its very nature. But I was not any more miserable that those who lost both lobules, and now roam like zombies over the shapes of the earth. Their oaths are furious and they walk around aimlessly. Started to move across the unexact universe that surrounds me like I was a baby, crawling through the carpet to the balcony.
Ta cuático y bilingüe
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